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Vibroacoustic Therapy

Coming Soon

Vibroacoustic therapy is a recently recognized technology that uses sound in the audible range to produce mechanical vibrations that are applied directly to the body.


30/ 60 MINUTES

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The technology uses speakers or transducers placed within mats, mattresses, chairs, recliners, tables, or soft furniture to provide a physiologic and auditory experience. Benefits include pain management, anxiety relief, symptom reduction, physical therapy, and health improvement.


Three general designs of vibroacoustic technology have been developed over the past 30 years, with unique capabilities and purposes. The designs differ in the type of vibration-generating systems used; the frequencies selected for stimulus; the extent to which sound vibrations are processed, measured and monitored' and the qualities and patterns of resonance in the vibrating surfaces. Interest in incorporating vibroacoustics in patient care practices may be attributable to the nonpharmacologic and noninvasive nature of the technology.


Because some models of vibroacoustic technology can be administered easily in nursing care, this may have also led to broad use of vibroacoustics in medical and wellness practices. Research and/or development of vibroacoustic use include applications to manage pain; reduced symptoms for patients in chemotherapy; reduce stress; distract patients during biopsies, aspirations, and other procedures; increase range of motion (ROM) and muscle tone and in physical therapy or rehabilitative therapy following knee replacement; help prepare patients for surgery or those who are recovering; and provide sensory stimulation for people who are hearing impaired and developmentally disabled. Vibroacoustics can also increase quality of life and be used to manage behavior in psychiatry settings, geriatric facilities, child life centers, and palliative care facilities.



SVHT services do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional.

Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. 
We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of techniques, which have been quoted where appropriate.

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